Financial education is a very important decision tool for consumers living in an increasingly sophisticated and globalized financial market, enabling them to budget and manage their income, save, borrow and invest efficiently, understand and protect themselves against specific risks and as well as avoid becoming victims of fraud.In this respect, consumer education is a policy instrument for authorities to contribute to a sustainable growth in financial intermendiation activities and a marketing tool for financial institutions to build robust client relationships.
Impact Drivers
- Public: To improve the relationship with consumers, the customer goodwill,and the image of the banking system
- Private: To increase consumers' capability to manage their financial affairs more effectively
Project Management Group
Petre Tulin
Project Owner (PO) , President HVB Romania
Mihail Meiu
Project Manager (DPM), Director NACP
PWG Members |
Paula Moranciu
Expert, Banca Nationala Romana
Sorin Mierlea
President , ANPCPPS
Florentina Ștefănescu
Director, National Commission for Supervision of the Private Pension System
Terms of Reference
SPI Committee Documents
SPI Committee Correspondence
Project Working Group Meetings
Press Coverage